The Brothers Karamazov (1879-1880): A Study of Family, Faith, and the Human Condition

The Brothers Karamazov (1879-1880): A Study of Family, Faith, and the Human Condition

The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s final novel, delves deep into the intricate dynamics of family relationships, the struggles of faith, and the complexities of the human condition. At the heart of the story are the Karamazov brothers—Dmitri, Ivan, and Alyosha—each representing different philosophical and ethical perspectives.


At the heart of The Brothers Karamazov is a murder mystery surrounding the death of a family patriarch, Fyodor Karamazov, and the role of his sons in the crime. In the novel, Fyodor Dostoyevsky debates the existence of God, the role of religion in modern societies, and the consequences of class difference on the individual.

On its initial publication in 1879-1880 in the journal The Russian Herald, readers were shocked by the controversial nature of the novel, in particular its frank discussions of religion and class division. Today, The Brothers Karamazov is considered one of the greatest novels in world literature; moreover, Dostoyevsky is renowned as one of the pre-eminent figures in Russian literature, along with such authors as Nikolay Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, and Alexander Pushkin. His work has influenced many important writers and thinkers of the 20th century, such as Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, and Sigmund Freud.


Born in Moscow on November 11 (October 30, Julian calendar), 1821, Dostoyevsky grew up in a privileged family. His father, a doctor, was a tyrannical disciplinarian; his mother was a pious woman who died before Dostoyevsky was 16. After her death the family moved to a spacious country estate. To escape the oppressive atmosphere at home, Dostoyevsky developed a love of reading, in particular the works of Nikolay Gogol, E. T. A. Hoffmann, and Honore de Balzac.

While attending boarding school, Dostoyevsky received word that his father had been murdered by his serfs. The family did not report the murder for fear of losing income; their serfs would undoubtedly have been sent to Siberia for the crime.

In accordance with his father’s wishes, Dostoyevsky trained as an engineer at the School of Military Engineers in St Petersburg. With this training, he accepted a commission in the tsar’s army in 1843. After a year he resigned and began his career as an author, depending on income from the family estate. His first novel, Poor Folk (1846), was published to great critical acclaim but little commercial success.

Dostoyevsky’s participation in the subversive and socialist Petrashevsky Circle led to his imprisonment. In 1849 he was sentenced to death by firing squad. However, at the last minute, the sentence was commuted to ten years’ hard labour in Omsk, Siberia.

This traumatic experience prompted Dostoyevsky to abandon his interest in humanism, atheism, Western ideas, and liberal thought; instead, he focused his attention on Russian Orthodox dogma and conservative politics. These new interests were fuelled by studying the only book allowed to prisoners in Siberia—the New Testament. Consequently, Dostoyevsky’s works after 1849 are wrought with Gospel images of suffering and redemption.

After four years in the penal colony at Omsk, he was released on the condition that he serve in the army at Semipalatinsk. While in the service, he met and married a widow. In 1859, with a grant of full amnesty, Dostoyevsky returned with his wife to St Petersburg. He set to work immediately and started two political journals. He wrote articles on his belief that Russia should take a religious and conservative course in its development and published them in his magazines. Tragically, he suffered several personal and professional setbacks in the next few years: his wife died in 1864; he became a gambling addict; his brother died; and the authorities shut down his political journals.

In 1867 Dostoyevsky married Anna Snitkina, a young woman whom he had employed as his stenographer. Soon after they were married, they travelled to Europe to escape creditors. They had four children: Sofia, Lyubov, Fyodor, and Aleksey. These years abroad proved very fruitful for Dostoyevsky, as he completed several works before his return to Russia in 1871.

In the 1870s he reconciled himself to the liberal elements of Russian politics. He finished The Brothers Karamazov in 1880. Within a year of the novel’s publication in book form, Dostoyevsky suffered a haemorrhage in his throat and died on February 9 (January 28, Julian calendar), 1881.

A Part I

The Brothers Karamazov is set over a period of two-and-a-half months in 1866, in a small Russian town near Moscow. A third-person anonymous narrator tells the story 13 years after the events of the novel. In Part I, the Karamazov family is introduced: Fyodor and his three sons Dmitri, Ivan, and Alyosha. There is assumed to be a fourth son, Smerdyakov, born illegitimate.

The sons are brought up outside the Karamazov home because their mother is dead and Fyodor has abnegated his fatherly obligations,

Each brother—except for Smerdyakov—appears to represent a particular human aspect: Dmitri is the sensualist (body); Ivan is the intellectual (mind); and Alyosha is the spiritual one (soul). As all three aspects vie with one another in the individual, so too do these three brothers in the family. Although different, they exhibit a characteristic Karamazov trait, like their father: they are passionate, do not consider the consequences of their actions, and tell what they believe to be the truth compulsively.

Two brothers appear to escape the Karamazov destiny. Born illegitimate, Smerdyakov is rational and deceitful. Alyosha is profoundly influenced by two father-figures, in particular Father Zossima, who provides spiritual guidance.

Dmitri and Fyodor visit Father Zossima to have him settle a dispute over Dmitri’s inheritance. Zossima is dying, and soon Alyosha will take over this position of mediator, providing a bridge between spiritual and secular worlds. Their mission is a failure.

Although Dmitri is engaged to Katerina, he has fallen in love with Grushenka. Fyodor decides that he wants Grushenka as his wife as well.

B Part II

At first Alyosha works to reconcile the hostile factions of his family and community together, but soon he wonders: is he a monk or a Karamazov? Alyosha’s dilemma dominates Part II.

Before Zossima dies, he tells his life story to Alyosha. As a youth, Zossima had been a wild young man—much like Dmitri—until he realized God’s goodness and the world’s beauty. After Zossima felt remorse for slapping a servant, he decided to treat everyone—servants, children, animals—with love and respect.

Perhaps the most well-known passage in the novel occurs in Part II: Ivan’s philosophical essay on “The Grand Inquisitor”. The poem is set in 16th-century Spain during the inquisition when the Church was burning heretics at the stake. It is an imaginary dialogue between a Grand Cardinal and Christ, which parallels the situation of Ivan speaking to Alyosha.

The Cardinal explains his cynical and pragmatic view of humanity, that all a person wants is “someone to bow down to, someone to take over his conscience, and a means for uniting everyone at last into a common, concordant, and incontestable anthill”. People will accept slavery because they are hungry.

Alyosha is strongly affected by both speeches, but by Ivan’s in particular. He experiences a crisis of faith. At the end of Part II, Zossima dies.

C Part III

Fyodor is murdered and the investigation begins. Dmitri becomes the prime suspect when it is revealed that he has apparently spent a large amount of Katerina’s money on a party with Grushenka, precisely the same amount that Dmitri believes Fyodor owes him. Instead, Fyodor offered this money to Grushenka. Dmitri in fact saved half of the money so that he and Grushenka could leave town and begin a new life elsewhere. In everyone’s eyes, Dmitri is insane with jealousy and this is assumed to be his motive for his father’s murder.

One night, with Alyosha at the monastery grieving for Zossima, Ivan in Moscow, and Smerdyakov apparently having fallen into an epileptic fit, Dmitri goes to his father’s house looking for Grushenka. When he discovers that she left with a former lover, Dmitri strikes Fyodor’s servant Gregory and leaves him for dead. He chases after Grushenka, who welcomes Dmitri’s love and offer of escape. At this climactic moment the police arrive to arrest him for the murder of his father. With so much evidence against him, Dmitri’s plans to escape are thwarted.

D Part IV

Part IV is set two months later. The scandal has become national news and attracts much attention. A notorious Moscow lawyer has even offered to defend Dmitri. Before the trial begins, Alyosha’s growth into a father-figure to several of the boys in town further develops, and Ivan makes his love for Katerina known.

A number of characters are sick, including Ivan, Smerdyakov, and a young boy, Ilyusha. Ilyusha’s relationship with his father contrasts with that of the Karamazovs as Ilyusha and his father lovingly defend one another’s honour. Ilyusha also admires the precocious Kolya, who in turn admires Alyosha; these bonds cross class and age barriers.

Smerdyakov admits to Ivan that he killed Fyodor after Dmitri left the house. Smerdyakov then commits suicide. Tragically, Ivan has a mental breakdown the night before the trial begins. As a result, this new evidence is never seriously considered. The trial is filled with dramatic tension, and both the prosecutor and the defence lawyer deliver convincing arguments on the guilt and innocence of Dmitri Karamazov. There is a collective sense of guilt in the courtroom. According to the narrator’s perception of the courtroom’s reaction just prior to the verdict, Dmitri will be judged innocent. Yet the verdict is guilty.

E Epilogue

Alyosha, Ivan, Katerina, Grushenka, and Dmitri plan for Dmitri’s escape to the United States. There is some reconciliation among the members of the group. Ilyusha dies and, like Dmitri’s trial did for the Karamazov family, this event brings the characters together. Alyosha urges them all not to forget these events because, as dark as they were, they proved the importance of love and community.

A Alyosha

See Alexei Karamazov

B Fyodor Karamazov

Modelled on Dostoyevsky’s own father, Fyodor is the patriarch of the Karamazov family. A cruel and miserly man, he is also a misanthrope and narcissist. He plans to use his formidable fortune to marry Grushenka.

Fyodor embodies “Karamazovism”, the family trait of the Karamazovs referred to throughout the novel. It is the ability to throw oneself into dissipation—orgies, alcohol, and blasphemy—with wild abandon. According to Kirillovitch, the Karamazovs are emblematic of that element of Russian society whose spiritual side is undeveloped but who possesses an overwhelming vitality. Fyodor stands in opposition to those who hope to enlighten and reform Russia, like Peter Miusov.

C Ivan Karamazov

Intellectually, Ivan, the middle brother, is the hero of the novel. He is a “morose and reserved” young man who recently graduated from the university. Besides the narrator’s voice, his voice is the most frequent. Ivan, however, uses other narrative voices to express his thoughts—a devil, an Inquisitor, or a dry recitation of facts.

Ivan gets so caught up in polemics that he ends up in a critical condition with a “brain fever”. His apparent possession by a demonic being sheds light on the primitive state of neurology just prior to the revolutionary ideas of Sigmund Freud.

Like his father, Ivan prefers logic and facts; they prevent him from falling into despair brought on by trying to make sense of a world full of absurdities. Therefore he collects facts in a notebook. In this, some critics and biographers assert that he resembles Dostoyevsky.

Ivan is responsible for the most famous aspect of the novel, “The Grand Inquisitor”. This “poem” is an internal monologue. As Ivan’s mental suffering increases, he withdraws from society. He eventually suffers a mental breakdown.

D Ippolit Kirillovitch

Kirillovitch is the prosecutor who views the murder case as his swan song. He dies of consumption nine months after the trial.

E Kolya Krassotkin

Kolya could go the same way as Ivan. However, with the intervention of a strong spiritual influence like Alyosha, Kolya can become a positive force in the future.

F Michael Makarov

Michael Makarov is a police captain. A man of little education and not altogether abreast of recent judicial reforms, he is loved by the community for his dependability.

G Marfa

Marfa is Gregory’s wife. A shrewd woman, she uses herbal remedies when Gregory suffers from lumbago. The remedy consists of alcohol and is sleep-inducing, which is a key fact in Fyodor’s murder.

H Maximov

Formerly a landowner, Maximov is a ridiculous character who is down on his luck.

I Peter Miusov

A distant relative of Fyodor and Kalaganov, Miusov is a liberal freethinker, reformer, and an atheist. He is a landowner in the district and has spent considerable time abroad, especially in France. Hypocritically, his revolutionary acts benefit his financial interests, not humanity.

J Captain Mussyalovitch

Captain Mussyalovitch is a proud Polish officer who leaves Grushenka. Later he tries to reconcile with her in order to have access to her money.

K Father Paissy

A learned and well-respected man, Father Paissy is a man of reason who assumes the role of Alyosha’s spiritual guide.

L Father Ferapont

Father Ferapont is an old monk who rarely goes to church and is constantly experiencing religious doubts. Yet in the novel, he represents saintliness. He represents an archaic Christian ascetic and he is adamantly opposed to Father Zossima.

M Peter Perhotin

Dmitri pawns his pistols to Perhotin, a young official who is launched on a bright career by Dmitri’s murder case. Perhotin directs the authorities to Mokroe.

N Rakitin

A sycophantic gossip, Rakitin (his name means pliable, like a willow branch) is willing to do anything to be “in the loop”. He is a divinity student, but some predict he will eventually be a gossip columnist. He fulfils this destiny during Dmitri’s murder trial.

O Kuzma Samsonov

Samsonov is an evil merchant who sexually exploits Grushenka. Now old and dying, he tries to encourage Grushenka to marry Fyodor. To facilitate the match he sends Dmitri to a man who would gladly give him the money he needs.

P Lizaveta Smerdyastchaya

The mother of Smerdyakov (his name means “the stinker”), Stinking Lizaveta is the town’s child. An orphan with a mental disability, she was most likely raped by Fyodor. She dies giving birth to her son in a bathhouse. Gregory takes and raises the child.

Q Smerdyakov

Smerdyakov is Fyodor’s illegitimate son. Given different circumstances, Smerdyakov could have been Ivan’s equal. Instead, his thirst for knowledge has been unsatisfied. Like Dmitri, Smerdyakov resents Fyodor. However, he represses his feelings and becomes Fyodor’s trusted confidant to gain a better position. He plans the murder.

R Captain Snegiryov

Captain Snegiryov is the town drunk.

S Ilusha Snegiryov

Ilusha is the proud son of Captain Snegiryov. He represents the innocent child destroyed by the world in Dmitri’s dream. Protective of his family, he is embarrassed by his father’s drunken antics. When Dmitri beats his father, the boy is tormented by desires for revenge. When Alyosha tries to befriend him, Ilusha beats him. Alyosha’s non-violent response surprises Ilusha. He races home and comes down with a cold. The cold worsens; before he dies, he becomes reconciled with everyone and a martyr for love and peace.

T Stinking Lizaveta

See Lizaveta Smerdyastchaya

U Agrafena Svyetlov

Known as Grushenka, she represents the ideal Russian beauty. She is the proper counterpart to the ideal man, Dmitri. Grushenka (whose name means light and bright) is dumped by a Polish officer and spurned by her family. With little to her name, a merchant named Samsonov becomes her protector and she his mistress until he grows too old. She also helps him in his business and wisely invests any money that comes her way so that she is able to be an independent woman.

Samsonov advises her to marry Fyodor for the money; however, she wants to marry Dmitri for love. When the Polish officer returns she thinks she is still in love with him but discovers he only wants money. Throughout the novel, Katerina and Grushenka are enemies until Katerina helps Dmitri.

V Father Zossima

Born into the upper class, Zossima becomes an officer until, in his haughtiness, he hits his servant. He asks for forgiveness, considered an incredible act. The next day he refuses to return fire in a duel. He resigns his commission and becomes a monk who wanders the country for 20 years. Eventually, he makes his home in the monastery and tries to reinvigorate the institution of the Elder.

Word of his greatness spreads far and wide. Many predict he will be a saint and look unsuccessfully for evidence of miracles.

W Fetyukovitch

Fetyukovitch is a famous defence lawyer. He is attracted by the notoriety of Dmitri’s case; in the end, he is unable to save Dmitri.

X Gregory

A former serf, Gregory is a religious old man who decides to stay with Fyodor after his emancipation. Deep down, he hates his master, but he believes he is fated to stay with him. He also acts as a surrogate father to Dmitri.

Y Grushenka

See Agrafena Svyetlov

Z Anna Hohlakov

Madame Hohlakov is a wealthy widow who suffers from a lack of faith.

AA Katerina Ivanovna

The daughter of a military officer, Katerina feels obliged to offer herself to Dmitri because he saved her father from prison by providing the money needed to replace embezzled funds. As fate would have it, she later inherits a fortune and repays the debt.

According to Ivan, Katerina is the epitome of the lacerated person, which is defined as someone who suffers a particular humiliation or pain and is incapable of moving beyond that moment. For Katerina, this moment is the offering of herself to Dmitri for money. When he gives her the money without taking advantage of her offer, this act of generosity from a man she thought was base and vile troubles her for years. At first she thinks that marrying Dmitri will ease her mind. She is placated only when she is able to help him later in the novel.

AB Alexei Karamazov

Alexei, known as Alyosha, is the youngest of the Karamazov brothers and an honest young man. Alyosha’s earliest memory is of his mother praying to the Virgin Mary to protect him. After growing up away from home, he returns and visits his mother’s grave. Later he decides to become a monk.

According to the narrator, he is the “future” hero of the book and of Russia. (In fact, Dostoyevsky had planned a second volume focused on Alyosha.) Alyosha serves as a bridge between the corrupt past and a brighter future, as represented by the closing scene where the previously surly gang of boys surrounds him. The atheist Kolya is chief among them.

Alyosha is not a religious fanatic like Father Ferapont or a mystic like Father Zossima. In fact, Alyosha is considered a realist. The difference between Alyosha and Ivan is simply that Alyosha decides, “I want to live for immortality, and I will accept no compromise.”

AC Dmitri Karamazov

The first son of Fyodor, Dmitri is raised by Gregory, the family servant. As a boy, Peter Miusov decides to give him the best education. When he loses interest, Dmitri is passed off on relatives. Having no other prospects, he pursues a military career.

Over the years, his father gives him money, yet never informs him of his net worth. Eventually, he discovers that he has spent all of his inheritance—according to Fyodor. Dmitri’s inability to sort out his financial situation and stand up to his father eventually leads to his downfall.

Dmitri’s voice can be funny or poetic, swaggering or humiliated. Psychologically, he is a man of passion and the senses, of the earth (Dmitri is from Demeter, goddess of earth, fertility, and grain).

The lesson Dmitri learns is that only by the awakening of men like himself to Christian duty, can those in poverty and oppression (as seen in his vision) have a bright, fulfilled life.

A God and Religion

The central theme of the book is the question of God’s existence and the role of religion in modern society. At the time he wrote The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky was deeply religious and felt that the only true religion was Russian Orthodoxy. Even so, the question of God’s existence bothered him to the day he died. In the novel, he employs the narrative technique of two inset works—an article and a story within the novel—in order to debate religious concerns. The former is Ivan’s article on the position of ecclesiastical courts, and the latter is Ivan’s philosophical essay featuring the Grand Inquisitor.

With the story of the Grand Inquisitor, Ivan doubts the existence of God. Presented as a debate in which the Grand Inquisitor condemns Christ for propagating the belief that man has the choice between good and evil, the essay reflects on redemption, the conflict between intellect and faith, and the role of evil in Christianity. If one is a Christian, one becomes consumed with questions, such as: if God is all-powerful and good, why do children suffer as in Dmitri’s nightmare?

Alyosha exemplifies the idea that the answers do not matter. He views belief in God as a way to spread love. Thus, Alyosha is a man of action, a realist working within the system, while Ivan is paralyzed by doubt and fear.

The questions are not decided by the end of the novel. Still, there are definite lessons: love is all-important and people should love freely; life after death should be an integral belief for all; people are capable of evil, especially when they attempt to divorce themselves from their sensuality; and man must be his brother’s keeper.

Finally, salvation for mankind—as Alyosha expresses it to the group of boys at the end of the novel—depends on social solidarity. Isolation of people from each other must end; people must be guided by their spiritual leaders. This last message is almost a prophetic warning to the communists who hoped to create solidarity without spiritual kinship.

B Justice and Injustice

There are many instances of injustice in the book—Dmitri beats Ilyusha’s father, Fyodor rapes Lizaveta—but none of these injustices are punished or resolved. In fact, the legal system seems to be a mockery of justice. Courts, lawyers, and punishment are for the weak and are often ineffectual. In the novel, the criminals punish themselves and seek their own redemption. For this reason, the role of the church becomes more important; if secular society cannot effectively punish transgressors, then religion must impose a sense of guilt and eventual punishment for sinners.

C Artists and Society

Both the prosecution and the defence use the analogy of the novelist for the case of Fyodor’s murder. The imaginative artist, Fetiukovich, has a better grasp of the facts than Kirillovich. Yet Kirillovich triumphs because the average man, who sits on the jury, cannot perceive what is “real”.

According to Dostoyevsky, reality cannot be explained in terms of environmental factors, social facts, and evidence, but in the impossible terms of faith. If the jury can be made to believe that something else might have happened, then Dmitri is innocent.

The trial’s debate over reality and Dmitri’s fate is an allegory for the debates in the novel as a whole. Dmitri is not as clever as Ivan, but he knows to focus on the important issues. He believes that people are stuck in the trivial concerns of life and give too little attention to immortality. Apparently, the role of the novelist is to accentuate this situation.

A Structure

Like many other novels of the 19th century, The Brothers Karamazov is composed of a diverse array of narrative techniques. These techniques include tales, anecdotes, confessions, digressions, a novella, and a trial transcript. None of these elements can be isolated from the novel without making it incomplete.

The narrator seems omniscient, yet allows various parts of the story to be told by others without clarification. As a result, there are approximately 11 versions of Fyodor’s murder.

The multiplicity of voices and layers drives home the themes of the novel through repetition and mirroring. The novel works on thesis and anti-thesis. Zossima, and his echo Alyosha, counter Ivan’s thesis. Fyodor and Miusov foreshadow Ivan’s thoughts. Dmitri repeats a portion of Ivan’s speech. Ilusha and his friends are mirrors of and responses to Ivan’s “rebellion”. Kolya’s goose is a mirror of Ivan and Smerdyakov.

B Symbolism

There is allegorical significance in virtually every aspect and feature composing the fabric of The Brothers Karamazov. Dmitri’s shame hangs about his neck like an albatross. His redemption is in the form of a small icon that Madame Hohlakov gives to him.

Animals and insects are employed not only to describe character traits, but also as harbingers. For example, cockroaches in the wall emphasize Ivan’s horror.

Another symbolic technique is the use of colour. The dominant colour in the story is black, then red. Black stands for mourning but also for bad choices, such as Grushenka’s wearing of a black dress. Blackness, or darkness, also hides Dmitri as he awaits Grushenka or watches his father.

The counterweight to blackness is the pure white of snow. Snow saves Russia from its enemies. Snow is the predominant element in the land of exile, Siberia; it signals redemption and rebirth.

Water is a symbolic force by its very absence. The people of the town, like Alyosha, must leave in order to find fresh water. All water in the town is dirty, except for tears and dew.

C Crime Story

The Brothers Karamazov is a crime story. A subgenre of the detective story—a 19th-century innovation—crime stories focus on the environment in which the crime was committed. They tend to be told from the perpetrator’s point of view.

While it is a crime story at heart, the novel is far more complex. It is not only concerned with the perpetrator’s point of view or with the crime, but also with the concept of original sin as symbolized by the criminal event. Thus, the murder is only a device to explore universal philosophical themes such as religion and the existence of God.

The lack of a reliable version of the crime allows the reader to make his or her own decisions—not just about Dmitri but about those larger themes.

D Oedipus Complex

Although the Greek story of Oedipus, in Sophocles’s Oedipus Tyrannus (Oedipus the King, Oedipus Rex in Latin), has been the subject of many artists, it is best known in the 20th century through Freud’s reworking of the myth as a psychological condition. The Oedipus Complex, according to Freud, is common among men who desire the death of their father in order to sleep with their mother. Freud was quite literal about this incestuous desire.

Essentially, the Oedipus story tells the tale of a boy destined to murder his father and sleep with his mother. Knowing this prophecy, extensive precautions are taken to avoid contact with his parents. Yet while travelling as a young man, Oedipus fights and kills a stranger at a crossroads—this stranger turns out to be his father. Later, he arrives in Thebes and solves the riddle of the Sphinx. As a result, he marries Jocasta (his mother). When the truth of his actions is revealed, he blinds himself.

The Oedipal complex is evident in each of the brothers Karamazov. Each brother secretly longs for their father’s death—both on behalf of their deceased mother and because their father is very cruel. It is most obvious in the character of Dmitri who was sent away from his father but returns. He falls in love with the woman his father desires. The death of his father enables him to marry Grushenka.

In addition to the Oedipal complex, Dostoyevsky explores other realms of psychology in the novel. In many ways, he was ahead of his time, as he preceded the work of Freud. For example, Dostoyevsky explores several psychological issues: exhibitionism; adolescent perversity; laughter as an unconscious unmasking; the phenomena of the “accidental family”; and the “death-instinct”. He also displays the phenomena of split personalities in Dmitri, Katerina, and Ivan.

A The Romanovs

In 1689 Peter the Great assumed the throne in Russia. His attempts to modernize Russia were not entirely successful, but he did manage many reforms before his death in 1725. Another reform-minded leader, Catherine the Great, resumed the task of modernization in 1762.

From 1801 to 1825, Alexander I continued in the path of Peter and Catherine. He granted amnesty to political prisoners and repealed many restrictive laws. Under Alexander’s reign, Russia increased in size and power. When Napoleon marched on Moscow in 1812, he found the city burned to the ground and, with no supplies and winter setting in, he retreated. The Russian army routed Napoleon’s troops using guerrilla tactics.

In 1826 Nicholas I adamantly opposed liberal ideas and Western thought. He instituted secret police, strict censorship, and the removal of all controversial materials from educational institutions. Writers were arrested, university chairs in history and philosophy abolished, and student bodies reduced. Meanwhile, he reformed the economy and compiled the first set of Russian laws since 1649. In 1854 the Russian military forces were defeated by an international army of Turkish, British, French, and Sardinian troops in the Crimean War (1854-1856).

In the tradition of Peter, Alexander II reduced restrictions on higher learning. He reformed the judiciary, instituting Zemstvas in 1864. A Zemstva was a system of local self-government responsible for education and public welfare. Throughout the 1870s Russia resumed its struggle with Turkey over the Dardanelles, a struggle it eventually lost.

After 1881, Alexander III reintroduced censorship and strengthened the police force. The Zemstvas were curbed, assimilation was forced on minorities, and assaults began in earnest on the Jewish population through a series of pogroms that killed hundreds.

The last of the Romanovs, Nicholas II, started his reign in 1894. Although he had the best of intentions, the populace assumed that he was under the influence of Rasputin, a mysterious religious leader. After a loss to Japan in 1904, his rule was in danger. On January 22, 1905, his troops fired on thousands of peaceful protesters. Hundreds were killed.

B Revolution

Under the reign of Alexander I, secret organizations and societies formed and influenced Russian culture and politics. For example, the Decembrists called for an end to tsarist leadership and advocated a constitutional monarchy or a republic. They attempted to take control of Russia when Alexander I died but were crushed by Nicholas I. Another group, the Nihilists, advocated a complete abolition of the present state. Revolutionary activity increased under the tolerant reign of Alexander II.

Revolutionary groups grew more educated, organized, and focused. Industrialism created a class of factory workers open to communist ideas. This group would eventually overthrow the Romanov dynasty in the Russian Revolution of 1917. Although Alexander allowed the revolutionary groups to exist, they were not content with the slow pace of reform. In 1881, Alexander was assassinated by a revolutionary.

C Russian Serfdom

A serf was a person who was legally designated servile to his landlord. Unlike a slave, a serf could have inherited property, bequeathed wealth, and bought his way out of serfdom or of some servile duties. Dictated by local custom, service included fighting for the landlord in combat and allowing the landlord to sleep with one’s daughters.

With the rise of the merchant class in Europe and evolution of feudal societies into constitutional monarchies, serfdom declined. Descendants of serfs rose to the middle class and social mobility increased. In France, serfs gradually vanished as a result of the French Revolution. Yet the practice survived and grew more repressive in Russia. Spurred by revolutionaries, serfs revolted throughout the first half of the 19th century in Russia.

The most notable series of revolts occurred during the disastrous Crimean War in 1854. Finally, 40 million Russian serfs were liberated when Alexander II ordered their release in 1861. Even though free by law, many peasants remained second class citizens in reality—an issue explored in The Brothers Karamazov.


Dostoyevsky had a profound impact on many 20th-century authors such as Franz Kafka and Albert Camus. Select a novel by one of these authors and write an essay tracing Dostoyevsky’s influence.

There are many references throughout the novel to religious lore. Pick a few of them and research the full stories. How do these references impact on the story? Are they relevant to modern readers, or are these stories ignored?

Define the concept of the ideal Russian woman. Compare Grushenka and Katerina in terms of this concept.

Dmitri reluctantly considers escaping to the United States. What does America represent in this context? Has the impression of the United States changed?

How does the story of Ilusha’s lost dog reflect the concerns of the novel as a whole?


Notes from the Underground (1864) marks a turning point in Dostoyevsky’s thought. It was written in reaction to Nikolay Chernyshevsky’s utopian novel, What Is To Be Done? (1863). Here, Dostoyevsky outlines the moral universe that he will explore in the rest of his writings.

Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment was published in 1866. This crime novel chronicles the moral struggles of an impoverished student, Raskolnikov, who kills his landlady for money.

Published in instalments between 1875 and 1877, Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina tells the story of a tragic love affair in late 19th-century Russia.

In Russia, a landowner had to pay a “soul tax” on his deceased serfs until the next census. Such absurdities inspired Nikolay Gogol’s 1842 masterpiece, Dead Souls. Gogol’s satire about an enterprising young man who tries to buy social mobility through prospecting on such dead souls garnered Russian literature critical and commercial popularity.

Ivan Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons (1862) explores the generation gap. The protagonist is a young intellectual nihilist who believes only in the laws of natural science; much to his chagrin, he falls prey to emotions such as love and unhappiness.

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